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Bryan Singer Says 'X-Men: Apocalypse' Sequel Has Mass Destruction

We'll find out whether director Bryan Singer includes the credits teaser for X-Men: Apocalypse that we learned was written for X-Men: Days of Future Past when the latter sequel hits theaters this summer. But in the meantime, the filmmaker is already talking about the May 27th, 2016 release that will introduce one of the more iconic villains of the mutant comic book series to the big screen for the first time. Speaking with Total Film (via Comic Book Movie), Singer revealed that the film will take place in the 80s and will have "mass destruction" on a scale that we've yet to see in the X-Men franchise to date. More details below!
Since Apocalypse is the first mutant in history, Singer says:
We’re going to deal the the notion of ancient mutants – the fact they were born and existed thousands of years ago. But it’ll be a contemporary movie – well, it’ll take place in the ’80s… The ’80s is a period now – it’s hard for me to believe that! ‘Apocalypse’ will have more of the mass destruction that ‘X-Men’ films, to date, have not relied upon. There’s definitely now a character and a story that allow room for that kind of spectacle.
However, that was all Singer would reveal. He followed up with the vague addition:
I don’t want to get too specific, but we’ll introduce familiar characters in a younger time. That’ll be fun to show the audience. I call these movies in-between-quels. It’s a mind-fuck, sometimes, in terms of where things fall in the timeline!
It also sounds like Singer might be willing to stick around the X-Men universe again for awhile. The director says, "Yeah, there actually are [more stories I want to tell]. It all stems back to when I did [the first] X-Men. You always want to know where a character’s going to go, what their future’s going be like. You can always sequelize. These prequels are really exciting for me because they give me a chance to explore ideas I came up with more than a decade ago." That's all Singer would say about the future X-Men film, and we don't have too much longer to wait for X-Men: Days of Future Past, which has a new trailer coming later this month

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